
Client Reviews

Hundreds of homebuyers, sellers, and renters have faith in and respect for Eqbal Homes.
Over fifty percent of Eqbal Homes’ annual revenue is generated by repeat customers and their recommendations

What My Clients Says

Eqbal was very professional. He was patient and showed us 50+ properties until we found the perfect one. He carefully listened to our needs and helped us find exactly what we were looking for. Eqbal worked for our interests and never care about his.We felt that he’s one of our closest family member.

Baha Atia

Honest dedicated , and have a good knowledge of the market

Mike H.fard

We were able to find the best location and make the best choice because of his patience and thorough information. The fact that Eqbal never pressured us into making a choice was crucial. Even after the transaction is through, Eqbal constantly stays in contact and is accessible to provide guidance. We are really grateful for this! Well done, Eqbal Homes!

Samuel Stevens

The assistance we received from Eqbal Homes throughout our first house purchase was invaluable. As first-time buyers, you may feel overwhelmed by Ontario’s competitive home market.From the beginning of our search to the end (and beyond!), we were grateful for the team’s advice, referrals, and suggestions. We really appreciate the help we got from Eqbal Homes; without it, we would not have succeeded.

Jessica Loren

We had two houses listed with Eqbal at the same time, and although one sold in a week, the other one took five months. In those five months, he never wavered in his commitment to selling the home. He approached the sale of our second home with the same aggressiveness and enthusiasm he had shown for the first. Any time we needed to make a deal in the real estate market in the future, we would go straight to him. We highly recommend Eqbal Homes to all prospective buyers and sellers.

Mykel Johnson

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Looking to buy or sell? Or do you only have a few real estate-related questions? We are here to assist! Fill out the details, and we will contact you immediately.

We only gather the personal data required to promote and sell a seller’s property successfully, to evaluate, find, and qualify homes for buyers, and to otherwise provide clients and customers with professional services. In no way do I or we share your personal information with anyone.